Saturday, August 26, 2017

Principles and Practices of Cloud Applications

This article summarizes the essential principles, patterns, and practices of cloud application architecture and design that can increase organizational innovation and decrease long-term system maintenance costs.  My primary sources are the architecture teams at Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure as well as my professional experience daily applying these ideas to production systems.  Subsequent articles will focus on processes and technologies specific to AWS and Azure.













Queue Worker

Pipes and Filters


Materialized View

Eventual Consistency

Understand customer SLA for performance.

Measure and profile performance with load benchmarks.

Partition and decompose workloads into discrete units.

Partition around data, network, and compute limits.

Design for horizontal scalability (scaling out/in vs. up/down).

Ensure applications and services are stateless.

Avoid client affinity and server-side session state.

Minimize coordination and shared state.

Queue I/O and CPU intensive requests as background tasks.

Distribute background tasks across multiple workers.

Cache items that don’t change much.

Use CDN for caching static data.

Reduce chatty interactions between components.

Build golden component images using Docker.

Leverage PAAS auto-scaling features with golden images.

Consider compression and binary format for DTO transfer.

Optimize SQL indexes and queries.

Consider document DB or de-normalizing data model.

Avoid locking database  resources.

Prefer optimistic concurrency and eventual consistency.

Minimize time that connections and resources are in use.

Minimize number of connections required.



Load Balancing


Circuit Breaker





Understand customer SLA for availability.

Analyze system to identify failures, impact, and recovery.

Use redundant components to minimize single point of failure.

Use load balancing to distribute requests.

Handle transient failures with limited retries and backoff.

Handle persistent failures with circuit breaker that falls back to reasonable action while dependency is unavailable.

Use multiple availability zones.

Monitor health of dependencies and endpoints.

Checkpoint long-running transactions.

Design for failure and self-healing.

Understand replication methods for data sources.

Automate persistent data backup.

Document failover/failback processes and test them.

Throttle excessively active clients.  Block bad actors (DDoS).

Perform fault injection testing to verify system resiliency.


Defense in Depth

Least Privilege


Federated Identity



Apply defense in depth; secure all resources - not just edges.

Secure weakest link. Trust reluctantly and verify. Fail securely.

Pay attention to data privacy and residency requirements.

Protect data at rest (storage encryption) and in transit (SSL).

Mitigate DDoS using cloud platform’s network layer.

Enforce ACL’s at network, application, and data layers.

Conduct vulnerability analysis and penetration tests.

Manage keys carefully and secure with hardware tokens.

Use SSO, multi-factor authentication, and federated identity.

Use anti-virus and anti-malware for network and host nodes.

Simplify BCDR through PaaS centric, automated backup and recovery.

Integrate diagnostics of network, application, and data layers to have monitor system and correlate enterprise intrusions.

Prefer connectivity from cloud to on-prem resources using dedicated, private WAN links vs. VPN tunnels over public links.

Application Design

High Cohesion

Loose Coupling

Single Responsibility


Interface Segregation

Dependency Inversion





Design with the organization goals and end-user in mind.

Design for evolution and change.

Prefer loosely-coupled components whose communication is asynchronous that can evolve, heal, and scale smarter.

Separate infrastructure logic from domain logic.

Prefer RESTful Web API’s for external communication.

Prefer asynchronous messaging for internal communication.





Source Control


Design for IT Ops (Deploy, Monitor, Investigate, Secure)

Document system release process and use change control.

Automate system build and deployment processes.

Implement logging and alerting into systems.

Instrument to analyze root cause of errors.

Instrument to monitor availability, performance, and health.

Standardize log formats and metrics. 

Inventory, inspect, and audit cloud assets.

Use distributed tracing (asynchronous, Correlation ID).

Version and control configuration like other system artifacts.

Use Agile project methodology for iterative development.



Tuesday, July 4, 2017

7 Habits of Highly Effective Architects and Developers

Independence (Self)

1.     Understand Technology Holistically.  Delivering technology solutions requires more than choices about just a programming language, system library, or infrastructure provider.  It means having a comprehensive vision aligned with organizational capability and thinking about security, performance, databases, operating systems, infrastructure (cloud vs. on-premise), availability, resiliency, networking, user interfaces, device access, monitoring, reporting, testing, product/project management, testing, support, customer requirements, change management, and much more. The whole matters beyond the sum of the parts.

2.     Get Things Done.  Balancing principle and practice is an art, not a science.  This balance is situation dependent; focusing on delivering value to customers (doing the right thing at the right time) whilst giving attention to the system’s evolving architectural quality (doing things the right way).  Where there is technical debt, be mindful and make plans to pay it off per some reasonable schedule.  Prioritize what is important and weight tasks by “bang for the buck”; some call this being Agile or common sense.  For frequently urgent or distracting matters, resolve the root cause so primary focus can return to what is truly important.

3.     Work Efficiently.  Use advanced CASE and IDE tools.  Automate repetitive tasks such as regression tests, builds, and deployments.  Communicate effectively by email, telephone, IM, and also in person by facilitating and presenting information in groups.  Use wikis to share information; use online backlogs to manage projects and tasks across the team.


Interdependence (Others)

4.     Care about Customers.  Customers and the organizations we serve give us a purpose and are the reason we are compensated for what we do.  We must listen to users, show empathy, understand their requirements, especially those expressed and obvious, but also surface those in which intent is uncertain and less well known.  Once we understand, then we also need to be understood through careful communication about our designs and projects in language and symbols that are precise, mostly visual, and jargon free.

5.     Collaborate.  The concept of the lone coder as a hero is mostly a myth.  Big, important problems in most organizations require collaboration amongst different stakeholders and a win-win mentality rooted in the common values and practices of respect, humility, integrity, change, articulated decision rights and incentives.

6.     Keep Things as Simple as Possible.  Systems and People (and Life) can be complicated, but it does not have to be.  By emphasizing core values over rigid rules, we can allow important systems and relationships to remain strong, flexible, and still aligned around what is important.


Continuous Improvement

7.     Passion.  Great developers and architects love what they do.  You cannot teach it, fake it, or hide it.  They enjoy sharpening their saw, improving themselves and others around them.



7 Habits of Highly Effective Architects and Developers

Monday, February 13, 2017

Book Summary | The Coach

This article summarizes the key takeaways of the The Coach, Creating Partnerships for Competitive Edge by Steven Sowell and Matt Starcevich.  Rich with useful, psychological insight into how to genuinely improve relationships between leaders and employees in service of organizational advantage and excellence, I highly recommend reading this evidence-based book and putting it into daily practice.


8 Step Model

Step 1: Be Supportive … assist, empathize, understand, listen, encourage

Step 2: Define the Topic and Needs … focus on present, 1-2 items/session

Step 3: Establish Impact … talk costs and benefits, mirror as role model

Step 4: Initiate a Plan … who, what, when, where; set SMART goals

Step 5: Get a Commitment … get clear answer and verbal/written agreement

Step 6: Confront Excuses and Resistance … focus on what can be done

Step 7: Clarify Consequences, do not Punish … focus on +, explain -

Step 8: Do not Give Up … persist, establish follow up time/place

5 Levels of Coaching

Linking and Bonding - spend most of your time here, daily

Reviewing - monthly 1-on-1

Mentoring - continuous

Confronting - if and only if needed

Choosing and Developing - quarterly, annually

Management Models

Adversarial / Hierarchy - traditional, Tayloristic view, control

Patriarchy / Matriarchy - ineffective

Silence - ineffective

Entrepreneurial - building effective partnerships with employees (Koch MBM)

Definition of Partnership


Common interests and goals

Equal status

Mutual consent



Process of Guided Change

Stage 1: Preliminary Events … detect, pinch + pressure, decide

Stage 2: Support-Initiate using 8 Step Model

Stage 3: Follow Up Coaching … refine + reinforce, feedback + support

Supporting Skills

Be forward looking … focus on improving future, not pathology about past

Give employees credit for recognizing the problem and designing soln.

Start light, indirect in communication style (ask questions, listen, probe, restate, encourage); then and only then get direct if needed.

Focus on the concern or problem … not the person.

Set clear expectations (Koch RRE).

Shift to silence when done speaking to put ball in employee court.

How to Better Coach

Be assertive.

Be realistic.

Trust the process.


Is a process… not an event.

Coaches are catalysts and conductors … not commanders.


John Wooden .. UCLA College Basketball Coach

Barbara Bramblett - my tennis coach

Positive Development


Trust employees more.

Give them more responsibility and variety.

Defer to them more.

Surrender more control to them as mutual business partners.

Allow them space and creativity.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Principles and Practices | Web API

This article enumerates the best principles and practices for designing, deploying, and maintaining successful Web API’s that can drive organizational innovation forward.  This document has borrowed and consolidated ideas from Apigee (Bryan Mulloy), Microsoft, and Mulesoft (Mike Stowe); I highly encourage the reader to also review these primary sources.  I will use the fictional Acme company as an example throughout this article.



Principles and Practices


Understand your users.  What are the use cases? What technologies/services will be used?

What are the business resources that need to be managed? What are their entity relationships?

Acme Answer: Users are digital Builders and the key resources are Bricks

Design Strategy

Think long-term.  Not just release 1.  But think 2-3 years ahead.

Ensure the API is platform independent to maximize API portability and usage.

Be stateless to maximize scalability, increase cacheability, and reduce client/server dependencies.

Be consistent.

Be flexible.

Keep It Simple and minimize complexity throughout.

Prefer Nouns, not Verbs

Prefer plural nouns, instead of verbs. [preferred] vs. [avoid, since this is more verbose and leads to complexity]

Use verbs if you are implementing calculations or transformations that are unrelated to resources.

Map CRUD to HTTP verbs

DELETE, GET, PUT, and POST requests should be idempotent.

Create => POST

Read => GET

Update => PUT

Delete => DELETE

Map Errors to HTTP Status

Handle errors consistently, at least 5 of the 70-ish HTTP response status codes.

200 - OK

400 - Bad Client Request Format

401 - Unauthorized Client Request

404 - No Resource

500 - Server Error

501 - Not Implemented

503 - Service Unavailable

Map exception and detailed error messages into the response payload.

Version API

Never release the API without a version.  This is part of managing change and being flexible.

Prefer versioning in the base URI to be explicit instead of a request query or header parameter.

Prefer simple ordinal numbers over dot notation and timestamping.

Prefer v1 instead of v1.0 or v2016-01-01.

IO Formats

Default format for input and output should be JSON.

Support multiple input and output formats.

Optionally support XML for input and output as well CSV for output.


Support content types specified in the URI:

GET /api/v1/bricks.json

GET /api/v1/bricks.xml


Support content types specified in request header:

Content-Type: application/json

Collection Navigation

Provider filtering, sorting, field selection, and pagination of collections.

GET /api/v1/bricks/?color=red

GET /api/v1/bricks/?sort=model

GET /api/v1/bricks/?limit=50&offset=10

GET /api/v1/bricks/?fields=id,model,color


Consolidate all API services and requests into one domain.



Document your API and publish the specification online.  Use Swagger or RAML.


Authenticate and authorize all users.

Validate input requests.

Prefer declarative security on individual methods of service endpoints.

For private intranets using Active Directory, assign permissions to roles consisting of AD groups.

For public extranets, consider using OAuth 2 and SSL.

Throttle users that exceed API limits and generate 503 errors with Retry-After headers.


Log requests for troubleshooting and customer metering.

Support multiple channels for customer feedback: email list, online forum, Slack channel, etc.

Monitor API health, activity, and usage in Production.

Consider using 3rd party products for enterprise API management and standardization.






       Rest Cookbook

       Mathieu Fenniak Checklist